Thursday, 30 January 2014

Y11 HW - TV Comedy

Due Thursday 6th February

Watch some comedy programmes on BBC2 and E4. 

What similarities/differences do you notice between them? 
Does the content of the programmes suggest the target audience?


Continue working on your music industry work. Deadline is 2 weeks away.

Y10 HW Controlled assessment preparation

Continue analysing the adverts to be used in the controlled assessment. The adverts can be found here.

The key concepts to focus on are: REPRESENTATION and MEDIA LANGUAGE.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Y10 Advertising revision

Watch both of the videos in the playlist to help you revise for your controlled assessment. Although you will not be focussing on the adverts within these videos there are interesting points raised which may help you to analyse your own adverts. 

10B HW Controlled assessment essay plan

10B HW Due Monday 3rd February

I have emailed you all the PowerPoint from today's lesson including the additional materials used. Please ensure you go through it thoroughly and let me know if you need any help. You can e-mail me or come and see me on Thursday after school.

Your controlled assessment dates are:

Monday 3rd February - 2 hours
Tuesday 4th February - 1 hour

In preparation, you need to create an essay plan to guide your writing during the assessment. If you fail to do this you will still have to go ahead and do your assessment. If you miss any lessons for whatever reason, you will have to catch up the time after school.  

All the adverts, terminology and appeals can be found on the advertising page.

Reminder: It is worth 15% of your overall GCSE.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Y11 HW - Public Service Broadcasting

Y11 HW - Due Thursday 30th January

Answer the questions, in your books, in full sentences.

1.Find out what it means to be a Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) channel.
2.What channels are currently regarded as a PSB?
3.Why are only some channels a PSB?
4.What are the benefits of having PSB channels?
5.Are there any disadvantages to the channel?

Y11 - BBC 2 research task

Answer the questions below, in your book, in full sentences. This will help you with question 1 in the exam. 

1.Is it a mainstream or niche channel?
2.What is its main genre?
3.What does it want out of its comedy and entertainment programmes?
4.Make notes from the section ‘comedy and entertainment.’
5.What is the channels ethos?
6.Who do they see as their audience?

1.Makes notes on BBC2’s intentions and audience in regards to comedy programming. 

2. Look at the schedule for BBC2. What differences do you notice between the programmes shown on BBC1?

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

10D HW Controlled assessment essay plan

10D HW Due Thursday 30th January

I have emailed you all the PowerPoint from today's lesson including the additional materials used. Please ensure you go through it thoroughly and let me know if you need any help. You can e-mail me or come and see me on Thursday after school.

Your controlled assessment dates are:

Thursday 30th January - 1 hour
Tuesday 4th February - 2 hours

In preparation, you need to create an essay plan to guide your writing during the assessment. If you fail to do this you will still have to go ahead and do your assessment. If you miss any lessons for whatever reason, you will have to catch up the time after school.  

All the adverts, terminology and appeals can be found on the advertising page.

Reminder: It is worth 15% of your overall GCSE.

10B HW Analysis of own contemporary advert

10B HW Due Monday 27th January

Create your own ‘picture sheet’ like the ones previously made for you.
1)Select 6 important screen shots from the advert and place in a Word document.
2)Think about how camera shots/angles, mise-en-scene, voiceovers or soundtracks have been used to construct the representation of women in the advert.
3)Note down on the side of the advert how this has been done – REMEMBER THESE NOTES CAN BE TAKEN INTO THE CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT.

This needs to be printed out BEFORE the lesson. If you do not have access to a printer you can email it to me to print out - this has to be done by 12pm on Friday.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

10D HW Analysis of own contemporary advert

10D HW Due Tuesday 21st January

Create your own ‘picture sheet’ like the ones previously made for you.
1)Select 6 important screen shots from the advert and place in a Word document.
2)Think about how camera shots/angles, mise-en-scene, voiceovers or soundtracks have been used to construct the representation of women in the advert.
3)Note down on the side of the advert how this has been done – REMEMBER THESE NOTES CAN BE TAKEN INTO THE CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT.

This needs to be printed out BEFORE the lesson. If you do not have access to a printer you can email it to me to print out - this has to be done by 2pm on Monday.

Phone calls home for anyone who fails to do this.

Monday, 13 January 2014

10B HW - Diet Coke

10B HW Due Monday 20th January

The following HW will help you write a part of your coursework.
  • Use the worksheet to help you take notes on the following areas:
  1. Camera
  2. Sound
  3. Mise-en-scene
  4. Advertising conventions
  • What messages & values does the advert convey about women?

The song is called 'Fascination' by Alphabeat. What do the lyrics suggest?,
killed the young dudes,
in the high boots.
in the pace age,
that's when love burns,
now it's your turn.

It's just the way we feel.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

10D HW - Diet Coke

10D HW Due Tuesday 14th January

The following HW will help you write a part of your coursework.
  • Use the worksheet to help you take notes on the following areas:
  1. Camera
  2. Sound
  3. Mise-en-scene
  4. Advertising conventions
  • What messages & values does the advert convey about women?

ASA research task

Go to and use the site to help you answer the following questions in FULL sentences in your books:
1) When did the ASA first begin work?
2) Name four types of adverts the ASA deals with.
3) Name four types of adverts the ASA does not deal with.
4) Name one way you can make a complaint about an advert?
5) What is ASA’s mission and their values?
6) Name one of the Top 10 most complained about ads in the UK. Why was it complained about?

Monday, 6 January 2014

10B HW - Comparison table: Listerine and Folgers

10B HW Due Monday 13th January

Complete the table, comparing the Listerine (1920s) print advert to the Folgers (1950s) TV advert. Remember to focus on how women are represented and what it tells us about society.

If you would like to fill the table on the computer, click this link: Comparison table

Listerine print advert - 1920s
Edna’s case was a really pathetic one. Like every woman, her primary ambition was to marry. Most of the girls of her set were married—or about to be. Yet not one possessed more grace or charm or loveliness than she.   

And as her birthdays crept gradually toward that tragic thirty-mark, marriage seemed farther from her life than ever.

She was often a bridesmaid but never a bride.

That’s the insidious thing about halitosis (unpleasant breath). You, yourself, rarely know when you have it. And ever your closest friends won’t tell you.

Sometimes, of course, halitosis comes from some deep-seated organic disorder that requires professional advice. But usually—and fortunately—halitosis is only a local condition that yields to the regular use of Listerine as a mouth wash and gargle. It is an interesting thing that this well-known antiseptic that has been in use for years for surgical dressings, possesses these unusual properties as breath deodorant.

It halts food fermentation in the mouth and leaves the breath sweet, fresh and clean. Not by substituting some other odour but by really removing the old one. The Listerine odour itself quickly disappears . So the systematic use of Listerine puts you on the safe and polite side.

Your druggist will supply you with Listerine. He sells lots of it. It has dozens of different uses as a safe antiseptic and has been trusted as such for half a century. Read the interesting little booklet that comes with every bottle.
- Lambert Pharmacol Company, Saint Louis, USA