Thursday, 27 March 2014

Y11 HW Practice exam questions

Due Thursday 3rd April

Task 1

Complete the audience pleasures comparison table if you didn't finish it during the lesson.

Task 2

Write a response to both of the questions below.
Only give yourself 15 minutes per question.
Write your answer on A4 lined paper.
4a) Discuss in detail how and why one comedy programme was scheduled on one or more channels.
- State the day, time and channel on which the programme was scheduled.
4b) Compare how two comedy programmes offers audience pleasures. Give examples from the programmes.

If you fail to complete this you will do it at lunchtime next Thursday.

Fonts and Logos

Just found some cool websites which allows you to create fonts and logos. 

Fonts 1

Logo creator 1 - lots of different variations here. You'll need to print screen it.

Logo creator 2 - with this one you'll have to print screen and Photoshop the dots out.

There are probably a lot of websites to help you design your advert. Get Googling and let me know if you find anything good. Merits for those who do!

Y10 and Y11...don't forget to do the rest of your homework too! 

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Y11 Quizlet

Join my Quizlet for great revision material on terminology! Link here à Quizlet

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Y10 HW Research & Planning

Due dates:

10B - Tuesday 1st April (no joke!)
10D - Thursday 3rd April

All of your research and planning will be collected in next week. See the list below to check if you have anything missing. I will be in SA2 after school on Tuesday and Thursday. Any work not completed will result in you staying back for compulsory intervention sessions after Easter.

Word document 1: Pyschographic Profile

Word document 2: Questionnaire

A4 paper: Rough Draft

PowerPoint 1: Research and Planning

  • Preliminary research (6 different types of drink adverts/brands (a couple of sentences explaining how women are represented).
  • A slide briefly stating what type of drink you are going to create and why.
  • 3 different adverts for one type of drink (analysed in detail).
  • A slide stating which codes and conventions you are going to use in your own advert and why.
  • A slide stating what type of representation you intend to use and why (link back to questionnaire results).
  • A slide showing your brand name and slogan ideas (3 for each).
  • A slide showing a selection of your original photos.

PowerPoint 2: Questionnaire Analysis

PowerPoint 3: Production log

  • This is ongoing and will be collected at the end of the unit. However, you should be filling it in each week.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Y11 HW Scheduling comparison

Due Thursday 27th March

Task 1
Create a table:
•Establish at least 5 similarities/differences between the 2 comedies in terms of scheduling/institutional ethos.
•What type of channel are they exhibited on?
•Are they repeated at other times?
•Are they syndicated out to other channels in order to create mass appeal?
•Who is their target audience and how does the schedule help to appeal to them?
•What programmes are they competing with?

YOU SHOULD write down more examples if you can.

YOU SHOULD also aim to address key terminology in your answer(s) such as PSB, commercial television, stripped scheduling etc. (use the terminology sheet)

Task 2
Plan a response to both of the questions below, using the exemplar and mark scheme to help you.

Discuss in detail how and why one comedy programme was scheduled on one or more channels.
State the day, time and channel on which the programme was scheduled.

2. Compare how and why two programmes were scheduled on different channels.
State the day, time and channel of each programme.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

10D HW Photographs

Due Tuesday 25th March

Take photographs for your print advert. Remember you have to represent women. Think about:

  • costume
  • body language
  • facial expression
  • location
You will not be going onto the computer if this or your rough draft is not complete, and you will receive a detention. Do not leave the photographs on your phone, on your home need to access them in the lesson!

Monday, 17 March 2014

10B HW Rough Draft

Due Monday 24th March

1. Complete your rough draft for your advert. This means ensuring you have:
  • followed codes and conventions. 
  • used colour to attract the audience
  • represented women in a particular way
2. Bring in your photos.

You will not be going onto the computer if these tasks have not been done and you will receive a detention. Do not leave the photographs on your phone, on your home need to access them in the lesson!


Thursday, 13 March 2014

Y11 HW Never Mind the Buzzcocks

Due Thursday 20th March

The episode we watch today in class: 


1. Carry out further research into NMTB using various sources. 
        - Starting point
         - Series 24 Episode 13 – best of
2. Plan a response to the practice question:
Compare how two comedy programmes offers audience pleasures. Give examples from the programmes.

3. Go over the terminology for TV comedy – can you apply them in an answer? (Quiz next lesson!)

Extension work: This episode is the best of the series which could help you obtain more examples.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

10D HW Get up to date!

Due Tuesday 18th March

Make sure the following has been completed:

1. Annotation of adverts. Think about the connotative effect of each aspect. 
2. Explain which 3 conventions you will use in your advert and explain why - link to research.
3. Explain how you are going to appeal to your target audience - link to survey results.
4. Analysis of questionnaire - write a few sentences for each graph/chart explaining how the answers will help you to plan your advert.

All of these tasks should be done on PowerPoint. Tasks 1-3 will be on the same PowerPoint.

Monday, 10 March 2014

10B HW Photography

Due Monday 17th February

Take photographs to use in your advert.
Think about: 

  • Body language/facial expression 
  • Costume
  • Setting/location 
Remember, we will be able to manipulate the images in Photoshop.

Have the photos available on a USB, Dropbox or e-mail. Having them on your camera or at home will not be helpful.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Y11 HW Audience Pleasures - The Big Bang Theory


HW Due Thursday 13th March

As well as the work below, make sure you check the coursework log. Have you got pieces missing? Why?!

Make yourself very familiar with The Big Bang Theory. We will be answering a practice question next lesson.

1. Watch some episodes and summarise what the premise of the show is about.
l2. Pick out specific examples as you watch them, explaining why the audience would enjoy it. Use the worksheet given in the lesson to help you link the theory to your examples.



Clips used during the lesson: 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

10D HW Advert analysis

Due Tuesday 11th March

Task 1: Carry out research into existing brands

1.1 Find 3 print adverts, from different brands, for your chosen product. On PowerPoint annotate the adverts in terms of:

  • codes and conventions
  • how it represents women
  • appeals used
There is a PowerPoint in the GCSE folder on the CRL which has a range of adverts which you can use if you wish.

CRL > Faculties > Media Studies > Students > GCSE > Advertising 

1.2 List a minimum of 4 conventions that all the adverts have used, then use that to help you decide which 4 conventions you will use. Write a paragraph explaining why.

There is an example below but I do expect yours to be in more detail. Along with your questionnaire, this will help to inform your own advert. 

Task 2
Bring in your filled in questionnaires as we will analysing them in the lesson. 

Monday, 3 March 2014

10B HW Advertising Analysis

Due Monday 10th March

Task 1: Carry out research into existing brands

Find 3 print adverts for your chosen product. On PowerPoint or Publisher, annotate the adverts in terms of:

  • codes and conventions
  • how it represents women
  • appeals used

List a minimum of 4 conventions that all the adverts have used, then use that to help you decide which 4 conventions you will use. Write a paragraph explaining why.

There is an example below but I do expect yours to be in more detail. This will help to inform your own advert. 

Task 2
Bring in your filled in questionnaires as we will analysing them in the lesson.