Thursday, 20 July 2017

Work experience opportunities

There are a lot of opportunities for you to gain work experience/internships within the media. However, you need to always be on the lookout and be quick to apply! To start you off, here are some opportunities I know of and some links I have come across. The majority of them are for those aged 16+ but for younger students it is always good to know what opportunities will become available to you in the near future.

BFI Academy (regional)

Applications are now open! Available for 16-19 year olds. There are several academies in London. I suggest you apply to as many as possible to have a better chance of getting on. If you are successful, you will stand a better chance to get a place on the residential course which I support on. 

Mama Youth Project

This is for students who are taking a year off before university or looking to get straight into employment. Mama Youth is a fantastic company, one in which I trained at myself before doing some work for them. The training takes place at Sky where you make a TV programme which is also broadcast on Sky 1. Great way to get a credit to your name.

BBC work experience

Applications open in August

Go Think Big

They have ongoing opportunities for work experience, apprenticeships and internships.

The information below is from the Guardian website.

Guardian students
You can contribute to the Guardian blogging students section of the site. Students have their say on the pressing issues of student life, from fees to face time, from deadlines to distractions. It’s free to join Guardian students, and when you register you will get a free ebook on ‘how to blog’. There’s also a guide on how to write for the section.
Wannabe Hacks
Provides advice and tips about how to get into journalism and media, real life accounts of work placement experiences and the opportunity for reader contributions. It is aimed specifically at young people, before, during and after university.
Shout Out UK
An independent UK news network run by under 25s, focusing especially on political news and debate. They offer the opportunity for contributors to have their work published online, as well as one-to-one journalism tuition and political literacy courses.
Youth Media Agency
Invites young people aged 16-25 to become ‘Creative Associates’; writers, journalists, graphic designers, film makers and photographers. The site offers help for young people to find opportunities and training within the media industry as well as inviting them to get involved in Youth Media events and films.