Monday, 25 June 2018

Alperton Summer Fair 2018

The Alperton Summer Fair is fast approaching!

Date: Saturday 7th July
Time: 12pm-6pm 
Location: Heather Park 

The ACS media department will be taking part by reporting on the events going on all day. Would you like to show off your skills in journalism and photography? E-mail Miss. S. Patel to get involved.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Revision Guides 2018

GCSE Media

See Google Classroom for exemplar responses and easily downloadable versions of these revision packs.

Action Adventure revision pack 2018

TV Comedy revision pack 2018


Friday, 16 March 2018

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

BFI Film Academy - Residential

It's that time of year again! Many of you will have heard about my experiences chaperoning students from other schools at this amazing academy, which is delivered by the well renowned National Film and Television School.

Application deadlines are looming - Monday 22nd January. You need to apply well before that date so that I can provide you with a reference. I'll be working on the project again and it is always one of the highlights of my year and it would be great if you could be apart of it too. It is during the Easter break so you will not miss out on any school.

Click the link to find out more information and for an application form. You can also watch some of the films that students made last year. I am happy to help you fill in the form, just ask! Don't let the cost of the course deter you from applying. There are bursaries available.

This year we have 3 students taking part in the regional academies and have enjoyed their experiences so far.