Tuesday, 1 November 2016

PPAP and two step flow

Surely you've seen this already? I know it's silly but I found it very amusing and incredibly catchy. So have over 70 million other people...well that's how many times it has been viewed. A lot of people think it's stupid. Each to their own, but it has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for the shortest song to get into the American Billboard Chart. Not bad for a video that cost £78.50. Can you make something for no money that is just as funny/silly? You could become a sensation! 

The power of social media. Justin Bieber's (I know some of you are fans!) tweet boosted the amount of views of this video. Just look at the number of likes and retweets! Two-step flow in action right there. This audience theory was first coined by Paul Lazarsfeld et at. (1944) which suggests that texts within the mass media are picked up on by 'opinion leaders,' in this case Bieber, which is then filtered through to those of who follow them. Look at the date this theory was coined! Twitter, or even the Internet, had not been invented yet, but this is something that has been happening for a long time. The Internet has just made it a lot more common place.

Things to think about:
Are there people you admire or look up to that influence you? 
Are you aware that it is happening? 
How much do you question what they have said? 

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